Monday, March 31, 2008

Today was a Sad Day

I rarely post without a picture to go along with it, but I just had to share what happened today. I went to a funeral in town for Anelle Derrick, the mother-in-law of my brother-in-law (figure that one out). It was an unexpected death (complications of knee surgery) and she was only 55. It was a nice service and there were lots of people there. Then at the graveside service, it snowed, and most of us weren't dressed for it because it was sunny in town and the cemetary was only 15 minutes away. But what was great about the whole thing was the love that everyone expressed for her and what a wonderful mother she was. It was really sweet and I hope I go out like that one day.

1 comment:

Waco Gropp said...

I know of no better mother than you, those 4 boys of yours are richly blessed because of you. Keep it up and all 4 will grow up to be fine men.