Today, after we opened presents and played with them for awhile, we headed out to the Derrick farm north of town to go sledding and eat Christmas dinner. This farm is owned by Kyle's sister-in-law's parents. They get more snow than we do outside of town, and they have lots of land to sled on.

Here is Chris walking up to where everyone was sledding on a slight hill. Nothing too rough for the kids.

Andrea is all bundled up for the snow.

Cory threw a few snow balls at unsuspecting people.

Ken Derrick slid done the hill to try it out.

Kyle helps the kids when they get to the bottom.

Kyle also took a couple of turns of his own.

Landon isn't a bit scared to sled down this hill.

Landon tries out his new spiderman gloves he got for Christmas.

Kaleb loves sledding. After this, they got pulled in the snow behind a four wheeler. That was fun! I got cold before then and went inside so I didn't get any pictures of that.

Here is everyone at the top of the hill. It is almost a white out because all the white snow and clouds containing more snow in the background.
What a fun white Christmas!
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