Day 2 in Chicago-Thursday.
Today we took things a little slower. We woke up a little later.

Here is our hotel for the first 2 nights.

We took a walk through Lincoln Park and around the area. When we got tired we hopped a cab back to the hotel.

We spent the afternoon at the Museum of Science and Industry. Kyle really wanted to go here because they were having an awesome German UBoat exhibit.

This is U505, which was captured in WWII by the US and is the only one we have in the U.S. We took a tour inside and then learned all about its capture and what life was like inside during the war. Scary stuff.

After dinner, we went to the Art Institute of Chicago for the evening. Kyle just had to pet the lion!
It was dark at the museum when we got out. It was a clear, gorgeous night.
Also, that night we switched hotels to one closer to Kyle's training, which was by the airport. On Friday he spent the whole day in training and I spent the whole day in the hotel scrapbooking on my computer. It was wonderful! If you want to see what I got accomplished, just go to for by digi scrap blog.
More about our last day in the next post.