The reason we were at the park today was to participate in a Peace Walk to celebrate Martin Luther King Day on Monday. This was put on by Landon's preschool, and since he doesn't go to school on Friday's we decided to join them in the park for the walk.

Here are some of the people that came. It was actually a nice day for it. I think it was about 40 degrees, which for my Texas friends might seem cold, but with sun and no wind or humidity it was quite nice (with coats and gloves on of course).

You wouldn't really think about celebrating Martin Luther King Day in a predominately white and native american community, but the kids have been learning about peace and peaceful leaders at school.

Here is one of the teachers and some kids.

One of Landon's teachers.

Landon's teacher with her peace shirt and hat on. The kids made peace signs and sung songs. It was quite fun and I think the kids really liked it.
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