What I did today. . .
7:30 am: get out of bed
make breakfast
8 am: put dinner in crock pot
get kids ready for school
8:30: Kaleb and Cole leave for school
take Landon to preschool
9 am: go to Pilates class
10:15: home from class
have a snack
check email and blogs
11 am: shower
put clothes in washer
clean kitchen
11:45: Cole comes home
we eat lunch
go to Landon's school
do weekly volunteer work at Landon's school
1 pm: get home with Cole and Landon
play Star Wars go fish with Cole (I won)
kids watch Dora to unwind alittle
2 pm: switch/fold laundry
make chocolate chip cookies
clean playroom
start to re-read Harry Potter 6
work on crosstitch
4 pm: Kaleb comes home from school
watch Dave Ramsey
5 pm: Kyle comes home from work
help Cole get ready for soccer
5:30: family goes to Cole's soccer game
6:45: come home from soccer
7 pm: dinner, showers, bed for kids
8 pm: start fire in wood stove
watch Presidential Debate
9 pm: watch Biggest Loser
10 pm: go to bed
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