While on our mini vacation this weekend, we went to the Hot Springs in Ouray, CO. It looks like a regular public pool, but it has several different areas according to temperature. The pool is heated by the local hot springs and there are three temperatures--cool, warm and super hot.

The slide area is in the cool zone, and the boys enjoyed going down the slides although it was alittle cool waiting in line. Landon went down the slide with Kyle and the other boys went by themselves.

Landon loved the warm water, although his face kept getting red so we would take him in the cool water to cool him down and then he would be ready to get back into the warm again. He loves to jump in the pool with his floaties on, but he couldn't wear them on the slide.

Here is a big shot of the pool. It was really nice and since the weather was overcast and 65 degrees I am glad the water was warm.

Cole is our fish and really loves to swim. He was upset because they wouldn't let him in the deep pool without passing a test. That would be fine because he swims really well, but you had to swim one half of the pool on your stomach and come back on your back. He doesn't swim on his back yet, so he couldn't do it. Bummer! We all enjoyed the hot springs and this was our last thing to do before we headed back home. School starts on Tuesday, so it is back to the real world.
Are you enjoying your week of no kids? I hope so. The hot springs looks like lots of fun. We will have to come see you guys and check it out.
Love ya!!!
You guys find the coolest things to do. I guess that we just aren't that adventurous or creative. I am glad you guys enjoyed one last trip before school started.
Mindi :)
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