Landon got a bike for his third birthday, but it was still in the box. So yesterday Kyle put it together and Landon got his first ride on it.

Today he tried it out in the driveway with his helmet on. It is still alittle big for him, but it won't be for long. He wants to ride around everywhere like his brothers.
Happy Birthday Landon!!! You look so cute on your bike. Before you know it you will be able to race your brothers around the block.
hola kyle un muy feliz cumple para landon me alegro mucho saber de ustedes que alegria saber que no te as olvidado de hablar espaƱol para poder contactarnos mejor les doy mi mail nito_mdc@hotmail.com y cuando puedan pasame el de ustedes tengo tanto que contar.tus hijos son muy lindos que felicidad que tengo cotesteme pronto
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