We went sledding in Durango yesterday with our family and Kyle's sister Lynnae's family who is visiting from Texas this week. We found a great sledding place close by the ski resort there. The snow was coming down pretty hard at first, then it slowed down.

Kyle and Landon are watching as the others go down the hill.

Kaleb needs a push to get started. His first try he went off the side of the hill and caught some air. He thought it was fun, but it scared me.

Landon mostly enjoyed eating the snow rather than sledding in it.

Kyle takes Becca and Landon down the hill in the tube. The kids really had a fun time. The two older boys were off trying out the snowboards they had just rented for the next day. It was a great day!
I forgot that they were there. I am glad that you all are enjoying yourselves. I hope that you all are being safe and having fun. We wish we could be there too.
Mindi :)
How fun!!! Love the pictures. When will you be in Idaho? We will be there all of July and about the first half of August.
Awesome!!! It looks like a lot of fun. I have never been to Durango during the winter,just in the summertime to attend the Bar-D. Maybe I will have to check it out in the winter. Keep the pictures coming,I enjoy seeing your boys. They are so cute!!!
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