It snowed all day yesterday, and all morning today. The kids are out of school today for another snow day, but Kyle still has to go to work. He is digging out his car so that he can go, although he is already an hour late. It doesn't help when a snow plow comes by and throws more snow in his path.

Here is the backyard, beautifully white with about 6 more inches of snow from yesterday's video. Somehow I will have to plow my way through to get some firewood out of the pile by the back fence for our wood stove. Fun!

Landon's car that he loves to drive is frozen in snow up to the top of the door. It probably won't be useable until spring.
Luckily, the forcast for the rest of the week looks promising. Sunny or partly sunny the rest of the week with highs in the 30s and 40s. Sounds like heaven to me!!!
So, do you like the snow? Looks like ya'll are getting hit as bad as we are here in Utah! Crazy weather!
Hey Julie,
All that snow looks fun and very cold!!
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