We have been getting snow everyday this week and it is starting to add up.

When I went outside this morning I was overtaken by the beauty of all the whiteness outside and had to take some pictures. I love the snow before it gets all dirty and yucky. The morning snow makes everything clean and new.

The backyard looks especially white because it doesn't get as much sun during the day to melt everything.

Here is a view of Kaleb's school from our backyard. They didn't play outside yesterday at recess becuase of the snow and he was told to bring snow boots today. I'm sure the kids will enjoy getting out in it today. I always enjoy the snow in December but by February I am ready for spring.
I wish we could have snow like that. It truly is gorgeous. We only get rain.
Mindi :)
Try and stay warm! I have been seeing Colorado on the news with all the storms.
YeeeeHaaaawwww! The Horn's are ready for Christmas! Yippeeee! We love snow!!!
I agree with you, Julie...Love the snow in December, but by the end of January I'm ready for the sun and warm weather! We, too got some snow last Saturday! It's funny, where we live(Columbia Village, outskirts of Boise) we got a lot more than anywhere else in Boise. I love it!!Happy Holidays!!!
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