Today was Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day to all of you! I woke up to breakfast in bed! My present from my boys was:
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Birthday/Mother's Day to Me!
Today was Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day to all of you! I woke up to breakfast in bed! My present from my boys was:
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Opening Week for Baseball/TBall
So with both boys in baseball/tball, Landon and I are pretty busy watching games or practices almost every night of the week. Game on!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Our NYC Story: Day 9
Our NYC Story: Day 8
Our last full day in NYC. We slept in and spent the afternoon in the Bronx.
Great game and a great day (except the weather). A Great End to a wonderful anniversary trip.
Our NYC Story: Day 6 & 7
Today the high speed vacation started catching up to us. We felt like we had been walking everywhere (which we pretty much had) and were starting to wear down. We had gotten up early everyday and got back to the hotel late every night.
We started the day by grabbing breakfast at a little bakery and taking a walk through central park.

Thursday April 30th
We spent most of the day on the subway today. We took a 2 hour trip to Brooklyn to go to Coney Island.
Here is the famous Cyclone roller coaster. It was closed. Actually, almost everything is closed until Memorial Day.
Then we took the subway over to the Brooklyn Bridge. We walked over it to the Manhattan side.
Here I am looking over the traffic under me on the bridge.
Then we went back to our hotel ( 2 hours) and changed for our night out. Then we went back into Manhattan (1 hour each way) to eat dinner and go to the Lion King on Broadway. It was an excellent show! Really amazing.
Another great day in NYC!
Our NYC Story: Day 5
Our NYC Story: Day 4
Today we spent most of the day on a hop off/ hop on tour bus. We saw uptown and downtown. Lots of pictures, so I'll give you the highlights.
Grand Central Station. We took the subway here to check it out and have breakfast.
Here is the bus we hopped on and off of all day. If you got the right seat on the top you could get a wonderful view of the city.
Taxi cabs everywhere!
This is the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine. Largest gothic style cathedral in the world.
A walk through central park. It was a warm day and there were lots of sunbathers.
You can't go to NYC and not go to FAO Schwartz. It was really cool!
They had lots of figures made of legos. I thought the boys would really like this Darth Vader one. Amazing!
Here is the "Big" piano.
Here is the United Nations Building. There are only flags up when they are in session.
We went to the Macy's on 34th Street. We didn't buy anything though.
Today we went up to the top of the Empire State Bldg.
Here is the view from the top. (one of them)
We went to this comedy club for entertainment and dinner. It was okay, but not our best entertainment or dinner this week.
Times Square at night. It was amazing and crazy. This is just the tip of the ice burg.
Another great day in NYC.